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Over the past 30 years, Central Technical Supplies has built a name that stands unique engineering solutions designed to customer needs.
We service the country from our two branches in Windhoek and Walvis Bay.
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With our qualified and experienced team of engineers and technicians we design, supply, install and maintain solutions that meet the client’s requirements.
With our qualified and experienced team of engineers and technicians we design solutions that meet the client’s requirements in the fields of:
- Laundry Solutions
- High Efficiency Industrial Hot Water Plants
- On-Grid and Off-Grid Photovoltaics Systems
- Customized Agricultural Monitoring Solutions
- Control panel for plant automation
Our well trained and skilled technicians travel throughout the country to install any of our products and solutions.
Various instruments are leased to clients on hourly/daily/weekly basis. Some of these are:
- Infrared camera
- Flow meters
- Power logging devices
- Flue gas analyzer
- Cable detectors
- PV module tester (I/V curve tracer)
- Agricultural Weather Station
- and more
Maintenance is key to a long and hassle-free operation of any equipment. With our flexible service agreement options, the customer can be rest assured of a hassle-free operation for many years to come.
We are agents for a number of world-renowned brands in the laundry, automation and meteorological sector. All our products are shipped country wide.
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Design, Supply and Install of a new Hot Water System for Lüderitz Nest Hotel
Lüderitz Nest Hotel
After close to 20 years of operation, the existing electrically heated hot water boilers were replaced. A modern, energy efficient system supplied by Stiebel Eltron was installed. The system comprises of the following:
2x heat pumps
5x 1000L hot water tanks (with electrical backup)
1x Control panel with remote monitoring and SMS alarm functionality.
2x booster pumps to feed the hotel with water during times when
municipal supply is shut off
The installation has been achieved in a 3 week period. All works have been carried out with minimal interruptions to the hot water supply to the hotel. Remote monitoring of the plant in included to assist the client with possible troubleshooting, thus avoiding unnecessary trips to Lüderitz. SMS communication allows the quick reaction times of hotel maintenance personnel to act in cases of municipal water loss.

Installation of 26 Autoclaves Country Wide
Ministry of Health and Social Services
CTS was awarded four tenders in 2015, to supply, deliver to site, install, test and commission of autoclaves throughout Namibia.
In addition to the 160L Steri Tech autoclaves, water softeners were installed to increase the life span of each unit and reduce overall maintenance cost.
A number of installation teams worked hard to complete the project within the stringent timeframe set by the client. Each site came with its own challenges such as:
- Removing of existing units that were beyond repair
- Low supply water pressure
- Space limitations where the new units were to be installed
- Breaking out of walls to fit new autoclave

Design, Manufacture and Supply 21 Automatic Weather Stations
National Botanical Research Institute (BIOTA)
CTS has supplied 21 weather stations for the Biota research project. These weather stations are designed according to world meteorological standard.
Each station consists of:
- Wind Speed and Direction Sensor
- Irradiance Sensor
- Humidity/Ambient Temperature Sensor
- Barometric Pressure Sensor
- Ground Temperature Sensor
- Leaf Wetness Sensor
- Rain Bucket
The weather stations are equipment with the CR1000 logger from Campbell Scientific. Special software has been developed to allow automatic transmission of the weather data to a server based in Germany via GPRS using the local GSM network. Software updates can be done remotely minimizing travel.
Weather data can be viewed at: www.sasscalweathernet.org

Supply and Installation of 3 Automatic Weather Stations in the Kunene Region
University of Hamburg
The University of Hamburg approached CTS directly with the request to quote and subsequently manufacture and install 3 automatic weather stations at:
- Khorixas
- Kaoko Otavi
- Okangwati
Once again, satellite communication has been chosen, this time not because of GSM not being available, but to reduce future cost of the stations as satellite communication for these stations has got no costs associated.
In addition to the basic data measured:
- Wind speed
- Wind direction
- Humidity
- Air Temperature
- Irradiance
- Barometric pressure
- Ground Temperature
- Rain
- Leaf wetness
The stations are equipped with a WLAN interface. This allows the connection of 49″ SmartTV to be connected to each station to display the current weather inside close by offices.

Photovoltaic Farm System with Generator Backup
This is a typical photovoltaic (PV) medium scale farm system found on many farms around Namibia. Over the past three years this system grew in PV size from 350Wpeak to ~1200Wpeak.
System specs are:
- PV modules with a total capacity of 1220Wpeak
- 1200VA, 24V Inverter charger
- 40A Solar Charge Regulator
- 360Ah battery bank@24V
- Battery Monitor showing: state of charge (%), charging/discharging current (A), Battery Voltage (V) and time to go (h)
- Switchgear for submersible pump control
The PV modules are mounted on frames facing true north for optimal energy harvesting. During times of limited sunshine, especially the rainy season, battery charging can be increased by starting the generator. Should the AC load increase behind the inverter rating, the generator can support the system to cater for the increased load. No automatic generator start function is included.
Furthermore a second PV system for the Farm workers has been installed to cater for lighting and a TV.
- 2x 90Wpeak PV modules
- 20A Solar Charge Regulator
- 2x 105Ah batteries
- 350VA, 12V inverter

Installation of new Steam Boiler at Hartlief Windhoek
A 1.5t boiler was installed at the Hartlief factory to cater for the growing needs of steam. The project included:
- Installation of new steam boiler next to the existing boiler
- Modifications to HFO line to cater for new boiler
- Commissioning
Over the past year's minor refurbishment, maintenance and upgrading projects where completed as well such as:
- Installation of condensate pumps to reduce back pressure of equipment inside the factory
- Raising current condensate storage tanks to increase head pressure for feed water pumps
- Three monthly service of both steam boiler and yearly inspection with Ministry of Labor inspectors