Containerized off-grid solar solution for the Kunene Region
Ministry of Mines and Energy Date: 2014
After successful completion of the Omusati off grid electrification project, CTS was successful in winning the bid for the second phase of containerized PV solutions for the Kunene region. With the experience gained from phase 1, the containers were optimized in many ways. The final design consisted custom build 20ft container by Namspace in Swakopmund.
Sites that were electrified in the Kunene region are:
- Otjitjekua School
- Otjiu School
- Otjiu Hostel
- Epupa School
The project included the following:
- Upgrading of all government building wiring as per national standard for 4 sites in the Kunene region:
- Manufacture, supply and install container power units for these sites.
The power containers consisted of ca 2.8kW of PV modules installed on the roof as well as 4,500 Ah of battery capacity. Five kVA inverter charger and two 70A BlueSolar Charge regulator all from Victron Energy complete the system. Remote monitoring of all sites is achieved by using the Victron Color Control GX unit.