Installation of 4 Containerized off-grid PV systems in the Otjozondjupa Region

Ministry of Mines and Energy Date: 2019
Central Technical Supplies was once again awarded the tender to electrify 4 remote localities in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. Custom build containers where installed on site with SMA Sunny Island 8.0 inverter installed. In addition the offered lead acid battery technology has been replaced by state of the art lithium batteries reducing system maintenance. The use of AC coupled technology did allow for the SunnyBoy solar inverter to be in installed inside relevant buildings on which PV modules are mounted. All components are interlinked by means of wireless technology to allow for remote monitoring where GSM signal is of sufficient strength. System sizes vary form 3kW, 12kW, 15kW to 20kW of PV power while inverters are as much as 3 in a single phase cluster.
Sites that were electrified are:
- Nhoma
- Aasvoel Nes
- Kanovlei
- Grashoek